Breastfeeding Helps Prevent Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in the United States. One in eight women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. In 2011, 2.6 million women were breast cancer survivors. Seeing this number is so frightening that many have asked if breastfeeding actually helps prevent breast cancer. Because of breast cancer reaching such high statistics, the world is seeing that women who breastfeeding have a significantly reduced risk of developing breast cancer in their lifetime. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) and American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) all recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of your baby's life.The World Health Organization recommends at least 2 years of breastfeeding for all babies. There are risk factors that can cause breast cancer. They include age and gender where women over the age of 50 are more likely to have an increased chance of getting cancer. Furthermore, our genes play an important part in developing cancer. A women's menstrual cycle plays a part in having an increased risk of breast cancer. Women who got their period before 12 years of age or have it after 55 years of age have an increased risk of breast cancer. If a woman drinks too much alcohol, never has had children, has received a lot of hormone replacement therapy, is obese, has been exposed to excessive radiation to her chest or has a family history, all have an increased risk of breast cancer. Breast cancer runs in families.Breastfeeding may help reduce the risk of breast cancer in women if other family members have a history of this disease. Dr. Alison Steube, an assistant professor of obstetric and gynecology at the University of North Carolina says that "our result suggest a woman can lower her risk of cancer simply by breastfeeding her children." Furthermore, she says that breastfeeding is good for mom and baby. I feel that much more can be done in our society to help promote, protect and support breastfeeding. "Mothers and babies need supportive hospital policies, paid maternity leave, and workplace accommodations so that they can meet their breastfeeding goals, "says Steube. Women need to get more educated about breast cancer and the benefits of breastfeeding so that they can make well-informed decisions about breastfeeding their babies. Steube describes breastfeeding as the fourth trimester of pregnancy.All moms need to know and are aware of all the health benefits breastfeeding has and how it strengthens their baby's immune system as well as having a lasting effect on their own health and body. What is the correlation between hormones and breast cancer? A woman's body is full of hormones, especially estrogen. The hormone estrogen fuels breast cancer. in fact, the hormone estrogen causes the breast cancer tumor to grow. A woman who are lactating or pregnant, reduce their estrogen levels, which means that their risk is decreased every time that they are pregnant or breastfeeding. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees and even if you breastfeed or have pregnancies, you may still end up with breast cancer. Early detection of breast cancer is crucial. Women should follow their doctor and take an ultrasound and/or mammography if that is ordered for you. Please check your breast often. Take care of yourself. You are worth it.Treatment of breast cancer is based on what stage you are in. It may include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, lump or mastectomy, or removing all of your breasts. A woman may go on tamoxifen, a hormonal therapy drug. This drug blocks estrogen. There is also targeted therapy. There are many support groups in your city for women who are going through therapy or who has gone through therapy and are now cancer survivors. Make good lifestyle changes to help prevent breast cancer. Breastfeed your baby for as long as you can. Choose good foods such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables etc.. that will make you healthy. Try to keep yourself at a healthy weight by getting out to exercise and getting some good rest. Limit yourself to large amounts of alcohol consumption.In conclusion, breast cancer is a very serious disease, however, catching it in the early stages and making lifestyle changes, can help prevent breast cancer. Breastfeeding is a healthy choice for both you and your baby. In fact, women with a family history of breast cancer can cut their risk of developing the disease by breastfeeding. Remember, every woman is at risk for breast cancer therefore, early detection is the best way to handle breast cancer. Breast cancer can be a devastating disease however, it may be helped by moms who breastfeed.So, speak to your health care professional and together you can make a great decision to breastfeed your baby and help prevent breast cancer. Love your body and take care of it daily. Lastly, breast is best so keep on breastfeeding.


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