A Personal Story About My Journey of Breastfeeding My Baby

Dear Friends Around The World, I wanted to take a moment today and speak to you a little bit about my journey through breastfeeding my first born. I see many women struggle on a daily basis and I want to tell you that you are not alone. At the time that I had her, she is our oldest of eight children, there was no such thing as a Lactation Consultant. Basically, your mom was your Lactation Consultant or the nurse in the hospital.Twenty-five years later, my oldest daughter became a mother. This time, she struggled greatly with breastfeeding. It was at this point that she knew I was back in school and she said to me that I would make a great Lactation Consultant because I had the personal experience and the love and passion for doing this kind of work. If there is anything I can tell new moms it would be that breastfeeding is not as easy as it looks. However, it is so beneficial to the baby, that it is worth trying to breastfeed. Don't be shy to ask for help. None of us new moms know what we are doing the first time around. With little patients and time, you will get it and enjoy the close bond you will share with your baby.I ended up breastfeeding my other babies much longer, from six months to a year and a half. Don't be discouraged. If you can hire a Lactation Consultant, that is the best. The Affordable Health Care Act may help pay for one, which has gone into effect January 2013. At least, look into this for your new breast pump that you are entitled to. So, get on the phone and call your insurance company now. I wish all of you who are reading this much success in breastfeeding your baby. I feel honored and consider it a privilege Warmest Regards, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Betty H. Greenman P.S. Please tell me your breastfeeding stories.I would love to hear them and help you if you need some words of encouragement.


Breastfeeding and Alcohol


Breastfeeding and Switching To Cow's Milk