How To Buy A Good Nursing Bra

Nursing bras provide great support. It is very important that you find the right size nursing bra while breastfeeding. It is crucial that you measure your body properly because having the wrong size can be very uncomfortable. As your breast grows during pregnancy, it is important to wear a proper support and comfortable bra, including after birth and while breastfeeding. So, how do you measure your breasts for a proper bra size? Hold the measuring tape around your rib cage and wrap it around your chest, under your arms, direct under your breasts.This is going to be your band size. If the band size is the odd number then you can round it up to the next number. Secondly, place the measuring tape across your back and over the fullest area of your breasts. Look at the measuring tape number and subtract the other number you got for the band size. This represents your cup measurement. The cup measurements go as follows: A difference of 1-1 1/2 inches is a cup size. A difference of 1 1/2-2 1/2 inches equals cup B. A difference of 2 1/2- 3 1/2inches equals cup C. A difference of 31/2-4 1/2 inches equals cup D. A difference of 5-6 equals cup E or DD. A difference of 6-7 equals cup F or DDD. A difference of 7-8 equals cup G. A difference of 9inches equals a cup H and a difference of 10-11 inches equals a cup J. An improper fit of a bra can lead to all kinds of problems while breastfeeding.Bras that do not fit well may contribute to clogged ducts or even Mastitis. Ask a maternity store or go online to purchase a good bra. In conclusion, I hope all of you women who are breastfeeding find a bra that fits and supports you well while breastfeeding. I get many questions about bras and tell many of my moms that the bra is too tight and you need to buy a proper bra. Therefore, be sure to ask a Lactation Consultant for advice.We can help you find the right bra. I hope all of you have a happy journey breastfeeding you, beautiful little angel.


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