Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice and Breastfeeding
Breast milk is easily digested by your baby. That is why a mom should strongly consider breastfeeding her child. However, moms need to be careful to choose nutritious foods while breastfeeding, as well as careful not to eat foods that are not too spicy or full of sugar while you breastfeeding. Breastfeeding your baby provides your baby with all the essential vitamins and nutrition your baby needs.However, breastfeeding is not the time to over-indulge on fatty sugary treats or spicy foods. Breastfeeding is not only beneficial for the baby, it is beneficial for the mother too. If a mom has gestational diabetes, high glucose levels during pregnancy, breastfeeding lowers the mother's blood glucose level shortly after delivery. Foods we eat affect your baby while breastfeeding. In fact, substances from the food moms eat can appear in your breast milk 1-24 hours after ingestion, with an average of 4-6 hours. It depends on what type of food a mom eats and how fast her metabolism works to break it down in her body. Some breastfeeding moms crave sugar. Therefore, you need to try to reduce sugar while breastfeeding. Sugar is not good for the baby because the baby has a hard time breaking it down. Sometimes, when a mom eats food with sugar, the baby will be gassier. Breastfeeding moms can eat chocolate, cabbage, beans, broccoli, pizza and spicy foods in moderation. In fact, your breast milk is flavored by what a mother eats, so the baby becomes used to a variety of taste sensations.The majority of newborns experience can gas because their digestive systems are sensitive and not mature yet. All babies who are grass eventually grow out of it. Additionally, there is a possibility that the foods a mom eats, affects her baby so, be careful not to choose too spicy or foods filled with sugar while breastfeeding. The baby intestinal tracts are immature therefore, it takes longer for them to digest well, even breast milk. Some babies go even further and may experience moments of being too gassy, irritable or crying due to their stomachs hurting them. When this happens, ask the pediatrician what is best for your baby to use to calm the stomach down and feel better. Your doctor may prescribe Mylicon drops, which help with gas.Mothers around the world eat varieties of diets full of spices and seasonings. I always tell my patients to keep a diary of the things they have eaten if their baby becomes irritable, gassy or fussy. Never eliminate an entire food group, such as dairy products, unless you have consulted with your pediatrician. Just keep track of which spice you used or how you made your meal that you are eating. In conclusion, if you eat a fairly healthy diet, there is no reason to change your diet while you are breastfeeding.Eat sugar and spicy foods in moderation. Enjoy the foods you eat. Just be a little more careful with what you put on your foods while breastfeeding.