Barriers To Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is best for baby and mom. However, not everyone feels this way. We live in a world where everyone around you has an opinion. They may tell you what they think is right for you about breastfeeding. In fact, obstacles, such as barriers, may get in the way and therefore it has a great impact on breastfeeding rates in the world. Breastfeeding needs to be your choice and no one else should make that choice for you. It is very important for new moms to have good sources of educational materials on breastfeeding. This way, you can make an informed decision whether to breastfeed or not. However, educational materials are not always available. Therefore, it is important for pediatricians, medical professionals, midwives etc... to help their new mom make the right choice.Additionally, the medical profession needs to support their patient's decision about breastfeeding. If you are having trouble with breastfeeding, your health care provider needs to direct you in the right direction and help you find a good Lactation Consultant. Lactation Consultants are specially trainedin the field of breastfeeding. If we are International Board Certified Lactation Consultants, we can access your problems and help resolve them. Lactation Consultants can help you with problems such as: sore nipples, engorgement, poor latch, nipple in, insufficient milk supply or over production, to name a few. Formula advertising has become a huge barrier for new moms. However, it is cheaper and healthier to breastfeed than to formula feed.Widespread exposure to formula, substituting human milk, often begins in the hospitals. In 1981, The International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes, was written, to protect and promote breastfeeding. It was developed as a public health strategy, designed to restrict marketing of breast milk substitutes, such as infant formula. It was also designed to ensure moms to not be discouraged from breastfeeding and to use substitutes safely if needed. This code also spoke about having no promotion of breast milk substitutes, bottles or pacifiers, teats, to the general public. There are certain attitudes about breastfeeding your baby.There is also a certain image that new moms set. Many moms will breastfeed because it is thenorm in their society. Moms will breastfeed if they see others breastfeed. Therefore, peer pressure, feeling like it is the normal thing to do and having good role models, such as a sister, friend or neighbor, helps moms make a positive decision about breastfeed. Some will go even further and breastfeeding public. Most moms these days need to work outside of the homes to help financially make ends meet. However, often these new moms feel they donot have privacy to pump in their workplace. Therefore, they choose to stop breastfeeding. Since the Affordable Care Act, all employers need to allow women to pump and have a place or room to do so. Additionally, sometimes the length of maternity leave also plays a factor in the time women breastfeeding. If a woman has a longer maternity leave, they may breastfeed longer. In conclusion, knowledge about breastfeeding is crucial for women to make an informed decision about breastfeeding.Having people around you with a positive attitude about breastfeeding, allows you to breastfeed your baby and feel good about it. We need to break down these barriers so that more women will choose to breastfeed