Breastfeeding With Fibromyalgia, Yes It's Possible

I hope you enjoy it and learn from it. Breast milk is best for your baby. Therefore, every woman should consider breastfeeding. However, sometimes medical problems may arise and prevent a mom from breastfeeding. Some women experience breastfeeding and Fibromyalgia. It becomes a little more challenging where these moms experience constant fatigue,chronic pain, joint disorders and other kinds of medical problems. Some women with Fibromyalgia feel great during their pregnancy, only to feel worse afterward while breastfeeding. Therefore, this makes it hard for women to breastfeed. What is Fibromyalgia? It is a syndrome that is associated with pain all over your body for a long period of time. It has no age limit, therefore, children, men, and women can suffer from it. Possible causes may include: physical, emotional and mental trauma, abdominal pain response, sleep disturbances, anxiety, depression, injury to the body, sensitivity to light, sound or odors, stiffness when you wake up and get out of bed, sexual dysfunction, muscle trauma, chronic neck or back pain, infectious illness, chronic fatigue, hypothyroid or underactive thyroid, or illnesses such as Lyme Disease, Hepatitis C or Epstein- BarrVirus. Additionally, if you have an overactive immune system, this may cause muscle trauma and injury. Last, of all, genetics may play a part in triggering Fibromyalgia. Sometimes, stress can cause Fibromyalgia to flare up.When that happens, try to find a calm and stress-free room to breastfeed. Use pillows to help support your body during breastfeeding. Unfortunately, people with Fibromyalgia experience pain day and night. Some people seek medications for their symptoms. At this time, the Food and Drug Administration has approved Lyrica (Pregabalin), to be used for Fibromyalgia patients. Dr. Thomas W. Hale, an expert in the field of medications and breastfeeding, recommends that you watch your baby for sedation, constipation etc... Furthermore, he continues saying that nursing moms should use precautions when taking this drug.Alternative therapies such as massages, acupuncture or seeing a Chiropractor may help. Yoga may also be good for you. These alternative therapies may help manage your Fibromyalgia symptoms better. Other symptoms of Fibromyalgia may include: irritable bowel syndrome,(IBS), having memory loss or having a hard time to concentrate in your daily life, numbness or tingling in your hands or feet. You may also have a limited ability to perform exercises. One can even get migraines or tension headaches. Speak with your doctor if you experience these problems so you can get a proper diagnosis swiftly. Fibromyalgia can be debilitating. These conditions can come in a wide range of symptoms affecting each individual differently.At the present time, there is no cure. Doctors focus and concentrate on relieving symptoms and improving your functions. In conclusion, breastfeeding should be pain-free and enjoyable. If you have Fibromyalgia, ask your doctor how you can successfully breastfeed. Position yourself on your bed or in a chair properly. Try to have a few patients to deal with your problem. Consult a Lactation Consultant, such as myself, a specialist in the field of breastfeeding for additional assistance. Speak to your doctor and use prescription medication to help reduce pain if needed. Try to use alternative therapies for additional comfort. Try to get as much rest as possible, reduce your stress level, exercise moderately and listen to your body if you are tired, practice methods of relaxation, and improve your diet and overall nutrition.All these things can help minimize symptoms and help improve your quality of life.


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