Breast milk and Its Colors

Colostrum has the concentration of sodium, potassium, chloride, protein, fat, soluble vitamins and minerals. Breast milk contains a lot of iron. Zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, copper and other trace elements are present in breast milk. Colostrum has twice as many Vitamin A than mature milk. Vitamin E is present but, in preemies, it may be low. Colostrum is rich in antibodies too. Mature breast milk comes in after the first three days up to 9 days after birth. Mature breast milk provides all the nutrients needed for normal growth and development. Additionally, breast milk is greater than 87 degrees water.When left to stand, the fat rises to the top. Foremilk, the first drops of breast milk is usually more water satisfying the baby's thirst and liquid. Hindmilk, the breast milk after several minutes of breastfeeding is higher in fat and calories content. Foremilk usually is a bluish white in color changing to a creamy white. Mature breast milk will shift from bright yellow to creamy white. It is normal for your breast milk to take several days to change colors. There is a rare problem where a woman can have a slight internal bleeding.It can happen in one breast or both. It is referred to as "vascular engorgement." The reddish brown color is referred to as the "rusty pipe syndrome." The blood in the breast milk will not hurt the baby and breastfeeding can continue.


Dad's Role in Breastfeeding


Breastfeeding With Implants